The Hope Jar by Wanda E. Brunstetter | Book Review

Publisher: Shiloh Run Press

Publication Date: 08/07/2018

Series: The Prayer Jars #1

Pages: 309

·Amazon|Barnes and Noble|Christianbook


What happens when making an elderly Amish couple very happy means going along with a lie that gets bigger by the day?

Michelle Taylor is not who her new family in Lancaster County believes her to be. The Lapps were looking for their long-lost granddaughter when they met Michelle and she assumed the identity of Sara Murray. Once homeless and hopeless, Michelle has come to love her new Amish friends and even considers the idea of romance among them.

Finding an old blue jar in the barn that is filled with slips of paper containing thoughts, quotes, and prayers by an unknown author becomes a boost to Michelle’s budding faith— but also convicting. How can she tell the truth without hurting the ones she has truly come to love?


This new book from Wanda E. Brunstetter seemed so different than her other books I’ve read. I really enjoyed this new book from Mrs. Brunstetter but from her previous books I’ve read I wasn’t expecting the twists and turns. It kept me on my toes and NEEDING to know what was going to happen next.

I could understand where Michelle was coming from when not wanting to leave Willis and Mary Ruth but it also frustrated me that she didn’t come out ALOT sooner with the truth. It was disappointing that she left a note and didn’t actually tell them face to face but I guess that makes for suspense in the next book to see if she will come back to Willis and Mary Ruth to apologize and return the money she “borrowed.” We were also left with a cliffhanger with the Michelle and Ezekiel situation.


·Meet Wanda E. Brunstetter·

New York Times bestselling author, Wanda E. Brunstetter became fascinated with the Amish way of life when she first visited her husband’s
Mennonite relatives living in Pennsylvania. Wanda and her husband, Richard, live in Washington State but take every opportunity to visit Amish settlements throughout the States, where they have many Amish friends.

·Learn more about Wanda here