A Christmas Prayer by Wanda E. Brunstetter | Book Review

Publisher: Shiloh Run Press

Publication Date: 09/01/2018

Pages: 144

Barnes and Noble | Amazon | Christian Book


“Only the brave—or foolhardy—would attempt a cross-country journey late in the season. Three wagons meet up in Independence, Missouri, in April 1850, and their owners decide to keep forging ahead despite many setbacks and delays. December finds them in the Sierra Nevada Mountains when a sudden snowstorm traps them, obscuring the trail.

Cynthia Cooper is traveling with her mother and the man she has promised to marry. But as Christmas is upon them and they are hunkered down in a small cabin, she is forced to reevaluate her reasons for planning to marry fellow-traveler Walter Prentice. When a widowed father heading to a California ranch and a gold prospector both show an interest in Cynthia, she weighs her dreams for marriage alongside her responsibility to care for her mother. Can love win over her timid heart? Find out in this historical Christmas-themed novella.”


This shorter story from Mrs. Brunstetter was a nice read to be able to get through quickly. I was able to read it easily in one day. But don’t let that lead you to believe the story is lacking in any way. Despite being a shorter novel it had a lot of details that made the story so good.

The characters all had very different personalities and very different ways of thinking but it made the book come together well.


·Meet Wanda E. Brunstetter·

New York Times bestselling author, Wanda E. Brunstetter became fascinated with the Amish way of life when she first visited her husband’s
Mennonite relatives living in Pennsylvania. Wanda and her husband, Richard, live in Washington State but take every opportunity to visit Amish settlements throughout the States, where they have many Amish friends.

·Learn more about Wanda here